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We warmly welcome you to participate in the publication seminar for the baseline study report on data exchange!

In 2021, Finland is the chair of the Nordic Council of Ministers. One priority project for the presidency year is Achieving the World's Smoothest Cross-Border Mobility and Daily Life Through Digitalisation, financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The project will create a model and practices for enhancing cross-border data exchange. The first stage of the project was a baseline study of the current situation on cross-border data exchange. The baseline study report will be published by the Nordic Council of Ministers in their publication series Tema Nord. 

The seminar will start with a publication event for the baseline study report, but mainly time will be spent analysing the report findings and working together on the plans for the project’s work for 2022–2023. The workshops will be separate for each work package (studying, health services, legislative data)

.When the final report "Baseline study of cross-border data exchange in the Nordic and Baltic countries is published, you will find the link to the report here


If you have any questions on the seminar or the project itself, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Torbjörn Sandell, Finnish Digital and Population Data Services Agency, (Project Manager, on leave Oct 6–8)

Riikka Rissanen, Finnish National Agency for Education, (Work package 1: Studies)

Petteri Pulli, Finnish National Agency for Education, (Work package 1: Studies)

Minna Sinkkonen, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, (Work package 2: Health services)

István Rytkönen, Finnish Ministry of Justice, (Work package 3: Legal data)

Event information


  • Hanaholmen Cultural Centre, Hanasaarenranta 5, Espoo (just outside the Finnish capital of Helsinki).
  • Also online participation will be offered. The initial publication event will be streamed, and workshop participation will be possible via Teams.
  • Follow this link for more information on Hanaholmen.

Date & time

  • Start: Tuesday 30th November 2021 at 12.30 pm (EET)
  • End of official part: Wednesday 1st December 2021 at 1.30 pm (EET)
  • After the official part, we are arranging a visit guided tour to Oodi, the newly built Helsinki Central Library. Details on this visit will be updated in due course. .


Please register by Sunday 24th October using the link in the invitation email.


Registration has closed. Please contact Torbjörn Sandell ( if you have questions!


The following organisations have registered for the seminar. Entries in bold indicate workshop participation on site.

  • Denmark
    • Civilstyrelsen
    • Committee for Health Education
    • Health Data Authority
    • Info Norden
    • Ministry of Health
  • Estonia
    • Ministry of Justice
    • Ministry of Social Affairs
  • Greenland
    • Government of Greenland
  • Iceland
    • Directorate of Education
    • Directorate of Health
    • Ministry of Health
  • Latvia
    • Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
    • Ministry of Education and Science
    • National Health Service
  • Lithuania
    • Ministry of Health
    • Office of the Seimas
  • Norway
    • Directorate for eHealth
    • Directorate for ICT and Joint Services in Higher Education and Research (UNIT)
    • Lovdata Foundation
  • Sweden
    • Centre for Rural Medicine
    • Council for Higher Education
    • Ladok Consortium
    • Ministry of Justice
    • Nordic Welfare Centre
  • Åland
    • Government of Åland
    • Statistics and Research Åland
  • Finland
    • CSC – IT Center for Science
    • Digital and Population Data Services Agency
    • Info Norden
    • Institute for Health and Welfare
    • Ministry of Education and Culture
    • Ministry of Finance
    • Ministry of Justice
    • Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
    • National Agency for Education
    • Social Insurance Institution
    • University of Turku
    • Youth League of the Finnish Norden Association


  • Rooms may still be A limited number of rooms are available at the seminar venue. Please contact by 9th November and mention the code in the invitation email to book your room! Accommodation prices at Hanaholmen: 144 €/single room, 164 €/double room to check availability.
  • There are also other hotels nearby.


(will be updated in due course, as details are set)

Day 1 – Tuesday 30th November 2021

Link to stream will updated here in due course. room TBD room TBD room TBD
Time (EET)ProgrammeLocationMaterialNotes
12:30Lunch (optional)Hanaholmen, restaurant Plats


Publication event

  • Welcoming words
    • Minister of Local Government Sirpa Paatero, Ministry of Finance
  • Presentation of baseline study results
    • Torbjörn Sandell, Digital and Population Data Services Agency
  • Comments on the results
    • Tomi Kytölä, Ministry of Education and Culture
    • Riikka Vuokko, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
    • Aki Hietanen, Ministry of Justice
Hanaholmen, congress room Tetra

Will be streamed at https://www.

Facilitated by Eetu Jokela, Digital and Population Data Services Agency

Link to the publication:

14:45Break and coffee serviceHanaholmen, outside congress room Tetra

15:15Introduction of the report's work packages

Online participation via Teams available. Link will be sent to participants by email.

  • WP1: Studying in another Nordic or Baltic country
Hanaholmen, conference room Tändsticka

Facilitated by Riikka Rissanen and Petteri Pulli.

  • WP2: Using health services in another Nordic or Baltic country
Hanaholmen, conference room Skiftnyckel
Facilitated by Minna Sinkkonen, Juha Mykkänen and Vesa Jormanainen.

  • WP3: Versatile use of Nordic and Baltic legal databases
Hanaholmen, conference room Kullager
Facilitated by István Rytkönen, Eetu Jokela and Joonas Aitonurmi.

18:00Dinner (optional)Hanaholmen, restaurant Plats

Day 2 – Wednesday 1st December 2021

congress room Tetra congress room TetraVisit to Oodi
Time (EET)ProgrammeLocationMaterialNotes
9:00Introduction to the workshopsHanaholmen, conference room Kullager
Facilitated by Torbjörn Sandell.

Work package specific workshops (including coffee break)

Online participation via Teams available. Link will be sent to participants by email.

  • WP1: Studying in another Nordic or Baltic country
Hanaholmen, room TBDconference room Tändsticka

Facilitated by Riikka Rissanen and Petteri Pulli.

  • WP2: Using health services in another Nordic or Baltic country
Hanaholmen, room TBDconference room Skiftnyckel
Facilitated by Minna Sinkkonen, Juha Mykkänen and Vesa Jormanainen.

  • WP3: Versatile use of Nordic and Baltic legal databases
Hanaholmen, room TBDconference room Kullager
Facilitated by István Rytkönen, Eetu Jokela and Joonas Aitonurmi.

11:30ConclusionsHanaholmen, conference room Kullager

Facilitated by Torbjörn Sandell.

Closing words by Mikko Pitkänen, Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

12:30Lunch (optional)Hanaholmen, restaurant Plats

13:30Guided tour of Oodi, Helsinki Central Library (optional)

Starts at Hanaholmen, ends at Oodi, Helsinki Central Library

Arrival information (will be updated)

Bus transport from Hanaholmen at 13:30

NB. No return transport to Hanaholmen after the visit.

Arrival information