Tool: Reference Data (

This guide tells how to create a new code set in the Reference Data Tool. There are two main options:

In addition, you can combine these options, for example, so that you add the code set itself via the tool's user interface, but after that import the codes it contains via a file. 

In any case, the basic information of the code set, i.e., the properties, must be defined (either in the input file or manually via the user interface) before codes can be added to it. This information includes, for example, the name of the code set and which register it belongs to. The register is a logical entity that contains code sets related to a certain context, such as the code sets used in the Population Information System or education code sets. 

Note! Before adding your code set to the tool, ask the DVV to add your organization to a register or create a new register for your organization! The "Add code list" button will only appear when this connection to a register has been made.

Follow these instructions

  1. Decide under which register your code lists will be. 
    1. If you don't have access to a register, ask FI-platform support to add a new register to the Reference Data Tool.
    2. When the register is added and your organization is linked to it, you will see a "Add code list" button on the main page of the tool (if you have the corresponding code set editor access or are an organization's main user)
  2. Click on the "Add code list" button. 
  3. You are presented with two buttons for two ways to add your codes: from a file (xlsx) or manually.
    1. If you have a complete and useable code set which data can be found in a file (.xlsx or .csv) press this button and follow instructions at 6.2 Importing Code Set Using Excel
    2. If you need to create a new code set, choose the Create new code list file and follow instructions at 6.1 Creating a Code Set